Who eats it?

Me. I like seeking out the best in food. Whether that means sampling the dan dan mien at as many restaurants as reasonable, finding the optimal methods for grilling pork, or finding the best canned tomatoes for pizza sauce.

One thought on “Who eats it?

  1. Hi there,
    I stumbled upon your comments on Chowhound regarding Community Grains whole grain pasta (“love whole grain bread, but have yet to like any whole grain pasta”), and wanted to share with you an entirely new line of whole wheat pasta, that ironically is also in the Bay Area. It’s called Mara’s Pasta (www.maraspasta.com) and it’s unlike any whole grain pasta on the market. Smooth, sweet, and delicate – not grainy and bitter. And it is 100% whole wheat – has the same high fiber and protein content of others. I’d love to get a sample sent to you for your professional assessment, in the hopes you love it just as much as the rest of our initial taste testers.

    Please let me know the best location to send it to and we’ll have it delivered. You can reach me via email at maraspasta@gmail.com.

    All the best,
    Kristen Boucher

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